

Finding joy in the fact that the last time I wrote in this space, I was pushed by the full moon. Here I am again, on the other side of it and more than a year later, no longer ignoring the little tug that pulls at my heart whenever I receive a ping of inspiration. My absence from writing was the result of throwing water on my own fire. This mechanism felt trite, not good enough or polished to my standards, too full of a past self. Now I recognize, encouraged by the transformative shove that is time of year, that moving forward with typos and ragged edges is how it gets done, and it’s the best medicine. You can always edit life along the way, and I believe society benefits as a whole when we express and reflect on one another.
It’s time to push beyond your notion of preparedness, and to demonstrate skills in action.
2017 has been a bitter tea, steeped too long in monumental events-political, environmental, societal, pulling threads left and right and I think we all feel a bit unraveled and raw. No doubt that I find it fascinating to see these times parallel the symbolic significance derived from astrological events.
Awareness of this and the rhetoric surrounding spiritual awareness, manifestation and personal growth is a double edged sword. In times of unrest it’s tempting and trending to create means to cope, often taking shape in commodities that promise change and transformation. In my corner of the internet, buried in holistic wellness media, I see this in widespread guarantees of a “this for that” mentality, a crystal to bring you clarity and calm, sage to clear your space, an herb to heal your heart etc. I love the direction of self empowerment that these types of external tools create, and participate with it all my self, but it is my hope to encourage individuals to release reliance on objects to call in what you need. At any moment, full or new moon or not, you have the power to cast your hopes for a plan of change, be it a shift in work or relationship or environment.
Tangible objects are enhancements, nice but not necessary. Spiritual materialism can make us feel like there’s more oomph to our penny thrown to the wishing well. It might feel like an austere approach, but I feel self reliance should be cultivated before anything else. Similar to building a strong, balanced body with body weight exercises before hitting the Olympic lifts.
Know your heart, start to feel where your intuition sits in your body. These are times where we can rest and settle into these experiences, but not to be passive. Nothing outside of you is needed to connect and have the universe receive your intention.


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