Make Do: Spicy Carrot Hummus

I love hummus but unfortunately all grocery store varieties that I’ve come across thus far have the addition of highly processed and industrialized oils like the ubiquitous canola and soybean variety. See Mark’s Daily Apple definitive guide to oils here. I’m presenting to you today just one idea to represent the heaps of varieties of delicious hummus you can create at home. You can also revisit my black bean dip and caramelized onion hummus recipe!

carrot hummus

Thinking about how highly processed, heated, and potentially rancid the oil is that is so sneakily laced through so many food products that are seemingly healthy and delicious (hummus!) turns me off and makes a once luscious, appealing food seem unpalatable to me. I’m not saying that dipping into some hummus tubs is the worst thing you can do for your health, rather I am suggesting that like most store bought snack foods, making it yourself is so much more fun, economical, and healthful!

I’ve also noticed when I eat a decent amount of said hummus the consequence is poor & uncomfortable digestion. I think alot of folks struggle with IBS symptoms post consumption of foods that are likely cooked on/with soybean or canola oil (restaurant food in particular) and don’t realize that the consumption of these processed oils could be the culprit of their distress rather than the type of food itself. It’s easily to overlook how the food is actually prepared (likely with a squirt of canola on a grill top) since we only come to face our plated/packaged food and not the process.


This dip is the result of another making do effort in my kitchen: carrots are always on hand as is citrus. I also always like to have unsalted tahini for when I want a little extra fat on a salad or vegetable or for making my own salad dressing. A half of a cayenne pepper was floating around in the fridge and after a little brainstorming, cumin, orange, carrot, and cayenne sounded like a beautiful combination. Boy is it ever!

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hummus recipe